From: Craig Brozefsky <> 0. How (that is, by whom) did you join Red Bean, and approximately when? Who in Red Bean knows you in real life, so we could ask them if you suddenly appear to disappear? I joined up thru Karl Fogel, who I met while working at onShore in Chicago. I guess it was about a month after he started working at onShore. I don't really recall the date. 1. Do you use Red Bean as your primary email address and/or primary Web server (i.e., is your home page here)? It is not my primary mail address, but it is one that I give out fairly frequently. The only reason it isn't my primary address is that I do alot of work related email so my onShore address is used more often. One might say that it's my primary non partisan address, as in the one I used when I'm not dealing with either business or particular projects (debian for instance). 2. Do you know anything about Unix system administration? Programming? Tell everything about you and computers... :-) I know alot about unix, enough to hate it and love it at the same time. I am available for admin work as needed. 3. Anything else about yourself you'd like made known? Put it here, anything goes. I try to be involved in the development of guile, and other free software projects when feasible. I am the Debian maintainer for guile, bigloo, and various tools which use them. I also use Common Lisp as much as possible, almost always in CMUCL, the public domain ass-whooping lisp implementation. 4. Optional information: what's your snail address and phone, in case something goes down and we need to reach you that way? (This information will not be published on the Web unless you specifically grant permission.) [not public] 5. Do you play bagpipes? [not answered]